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Not Today Satan!

Dear Lucifer,
I know you want me to be worried about what's happening in our country.  I know you want me to join in the protest but quite frankly, vaccines and mandates do not threaten my freedom because my freedom is not dependent on hanging on to my personal rights. 

I know you want me to feel like I'm losing control of my life but even under pandemic mandates I never lost control of my life.  The truth is I  gave it over to Jesus a long time ago so that it wouldn't be about me being in control anymore.  My sinful nature and stubborn independence are my worst enemies. 

I know you want me to be afraid but I have no fear of dying from COVID nor of taking vaccines.  I'm not afraid over where things are going in our country either because    my God is way bigger than COVID and way better than the political agendas of both the left and the right.   The God I serve gave up his rights to hang with sinners and show them the way.  My aim is to adopt the same attitude (Philippians 2).  

I know you want me to be focused on evil agendas out there in the world but it's the evil within that I will be more concerned about.   If believers were half as concerned with the evil within (self-righteous pride, hateful condemnation, the idolatry of nation-building etc.) as we are of external evils, the church would stand out as vastly different than it does today.    My heart breaks over how you've tricked us to adopt the ways of partisan politics, online ranting, promoting propaganda and half-truths, seeking retribution etc.   The truth is we don't really stand out as much different than any other group vying for political influence and power.  We do the same things and act as if having our political way would be a true victory.   Really?    I'm not going to buy into that lie.

You want me to get all wound up and pick sides at the expense of my unity with other believers. This is tempting.  But we are losing the real battle, by drawing lines of division and woefully neglecting our primary calling to join Jesus in building his family and making disciples.  So no. I will not add to the division.  What civil freedom I do have, I will not spend on nation-building at the expense of pursuing the progress of the gospel.   Ancient Rome couldn't stop the subversive discipleship and community building of the amazing network of house churches in Paul's day.   So I am not about to abandon the priorities, principles and ways of the Apostles in order to fight for political rights and freedoms.  May repentance begin with the house of God!

I know you want me to place my hope in human leaders building a better Canada but I will not align myself with a political party, or build my life around the latest political cause because I am an ambassador of another kingdom.   My protest will be to refuse to play political games.  I will not be drawn into hateful bitterness towards any political figure. I will refuse to get sucked into the idle activity of arguing on Facebook and protesting in the streets.   

Instead, I will build my life around Christ and his plan for his church.  I will get down to the work he has clearly called us to, pursuing holiness, good works and fulfilling my calling and responsibilities as part of his eternal family, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord.  I know this terrifies you!

I will work hard to raise up mature faithful followers of Jesus, in my family, local church, and neighbourhood who are equipped to live fruitful lives that are full of grace and truth no matter what political climate or cultural challenges may come in the years ahead.   I will put my confidence not in the power of the people, or my own efforts, but in the power of the gospel, the wisdom of God's word, and the working of the Spirit.  And the joy of the Lord will be my strength.

So, not today Satan.  Nice try but I'm not falling for it. 

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.  


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