There is still lots of information and knowledge being passed around about the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of it is very helpful but in days like this, we need more than information and knowledge. While Google might be your go-to source for more information about the current situation, it is not a good source of wisdom. Wisdom is about how we respond to information and what we do with our knowledge. Wisdom is about more than just understanding it is about living well.
The Scriptures are meant to be our source of wisdom. They may not give us all the details about specific issues but they reveal timeless truths for responding to issues and living life well. They accurately depict human nature and reveal God's plan and purpose for humanity. They contain encouragement, timeless principles, and compelling stories that give us real-life examples.
As things continue to change let's be careful to build our lives on the wise counsel of God.
Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
The following study guide outlines some of the categories found in each major section of the bible and how they may contribute to thinking through complex life issues: