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The way of Christ and his Apostles & COVID-19

For a number of years now I have been shining a spotlight on what Roland Allen called ‘The Way of Christ and His Apostles”.   In other words, the ministry model that emerges from a fresh study of the New Testament church.  By a fresh study, I mean doing your best to set aside the ministry models and traditions we’ve come from and limit your sight to the scriptures themselves and knowledge of the historical context in which the NT was written. 

The ministry model that emerges from a fresh study of Acts and the Epistles differs on many points from the typical ministry models of today which are heavily influenced by Western institutionalism and culture.   The contrast is strong enough that sometimes people give me confused or concerned looks when I point them out!

However, the model that emerges in the pages of Acts and reinforced by the New Testament letters contains timeless principles that are relevant in any era.   As I consider the challenges we face because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can’t help but see a wealth of insight for developing our ministry today using what the Spirit laid out through the Apostles in the first century.

Some of the characteristics of the New Testament ministry model include:
  • The Household as the primary organizing principle of His church 
    • Parents take an active role in the education and discipleship of children
    • Men and Women who have matured in the faith take an active role in the development of young men and women
    • Individual Homes are the ministry centers and outposts for the gospel 
    • Believers and believing households are benefactors; seeking good occupations that benefit society, so they can share what they have to support one another and be of benefit to the city
  • One unified local church exists as a ‘family of families’ not necessarily all gathering in one place at one time but networking together and working together as one unit in a particular city.  (Sharing leaders, resources, ministry strategies, etc). 
    • Elders are primarily shepherds/pastors of household churches (clusters of families)
    • Ministers of the Gospel are primarily network-leaders and developers of multiple home churches.  They are working with elders to establish these simple churches in the Apostles teaching,  equipping believers to minister, mentoring emerging leaders,  and serving on ‘apostolic teams’ to advance the mission – like Timothy, Titus, and many others.
  • The core teaching of Jesus and His Apostles (what C.H. Dodd refers to as the Kerygma & Didaché) is the common DNA that shapes households across the whole network.  They all share a common belief in Jesus and way of life that is able to sustain long term ministry.
  • Believers and Local churches are seen as participants and contributors in a global movement of multiplying churches.  There is a mutual sending and receiving between like-minded churches. 

So here is my prediction.  Churches that have been working these things out and using this model to develop ministry in their context will come out of the current crisis stronger with many of their current strategies intact (if not enhanced).    Those who have been relying on large gatherings, formal programs, and ministry strategies rooted more in models from Western culture will find it much more difficult to adapt to the cultural shift brought on by this pandemic. 

We would do well to learn from the ancient church and with ingenuity and creativity build carefully on what we find (1 Corinthians 3:10).


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