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The Magnetic Pull of the Dark Side...

Over the holidays we went and saw the latest Sar Wars movie.  Like any good fantasy, it captures some real things about living in this world which contributes to its popularity.   In one scene Rey peers into a dark pit, which apparently is a portal for peering into the dark side.   (spoiler alert!)  she can't resist the draw of this dark pit and ends up heading right into it.   I couldn't help but identify.

This week I started reading the Bible again and the movie scene played over again in my mind.  In spite of a good God who created a good world, we chose darkness over light.    The truth is even the best of us love the darkness more than the light.    I'd like t say because I'm a pastor that I'm a good guy.  But it's not the evil out there in the world that is my problem but my own propensity to choose evil over good.  We are all a strange mix of amazing potential for good but a crippling love for the bad, the dark, the selfish.   Our problem is internal and we all have it.   It's why Jesus came.  It's why we need his rescue and regeneration.

In our culture, the church needs to be more open about our love for the 'dark side', not to justify it or to promote it, but to model what it means to walk in repentance and belief.  I remember the first time I spoke about sexuality at my church.  I wanted to talk about the things I did right, the times I avoided temptation.  The thinking was that I needed to be a good example of spiritual strength.    But I was challenged to take a different path and I'm so glad I did.  The underlying truth is, my life contains sexual failures.   So instead of painting a perfect picture, I spoke of my struggles in light of the gospel and God's purpose for sex.   It was difficult and scary but I think it connected better with people and pointed more directly to Christ. 


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