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A long walk down Bloor St

At the beginning of this week, I decided to tag along with my wife to the monthly Fairview Interagency meeting.   At the table were various social agencies and a couple of churches.  Issues such as affordable housing, refugees, and food security topped the list of lively discussion.   It turns out that our little church is the only group in our whole area that ever offers a cooked meal to the public (our annual Christmas dinner).    I was surprised to hear of how many refugee families are living in hotels in our area because there is no other housing available.  Turns out the Christmas dinner was the only sit down 'home cooked' meal that some families received after months of takeout.   Another issue is that all the soup kitchens and cooked meal programs available are downtown and transportation is difficult for new families to Canada, especially when it is very cold outside.

The next morning sue and I met with an employee of the city who is in charge of promoting food security and organizing food services in our neighborhood.  She shared her vision of having a few different organizations and churches working together to provide a hot meal especially for those who are living in hotels right now.   Even just once a month would be an improvement.   We drew up a proposal for a pilot project and are hopeful that some of God's people will be willing to demonstrate the grace of God in this practical way.

After our meeting, I went downtown to participate in a research panel for Compassion Canada.  I purposely went early so that I would have a couple of hours to walk and reflect on life in the city.   I turned off my cell phone and spent two hours walking on Bloor St.    We live in a city and a culture that is changing rapidly.  I took probably one of the last photos of Honest Ed's storefront as demolition crews have torn down almost all but the front wall to make room for the new condo project.     

Amongst all this change and 'progress', there are many being overlooked and ignored.  In the nooks and crannies of Bloor, huddled in doorways, alleyways, there were those who for many complicated reasons are left out in the street.  Homelessness in the dead of winter is most miserable.   All the shiny condos and new developments are making big bucks and providing housing for a privileged few.  They are certainly out-of-reach for the many refugee families in our city.  At the same time, I was struck by the number of old church buildings scattered along Bloor and was reminded of God's heart for those who are overlooked.    

As I headed to the research panel, it occurred to me that most churches are keen to send aid and sponsor children in other countries where there is great need yet many are reluctant to be involved with the need right on their doorstep. What about a sponsorship program for native children living in isolated communities in Canada?  Maybe something exists but I haven't heard of it.   

As I walked past a sheltered entrance of a storefront the smell of someone who hadn't bathed in weeks filled my nostrils and caught me off guard.   I was unprepared and had nothing to offer the soul that was sitting on a piece of cardboard in an attempt to avoid the damp cold of the concrete sidewalk.   I think many churches avoid the need right in front of us because it is stinky, messy, complicated, and to get involved means getting a little dirty, smelly and messy.    I thank God for the church communities who are leading the way and courageously engaging the mess on their doorstep.  I pray more will follow their lead and that God will guide the community I'm a part of in the good work to be done in his name.   May we embody the gospel in every way. 


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