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Showing posts from February, 2025

READY: What Jesus says about being his family at the end of the age.

  Whether you are a Christian or not, you have to admit that there is a lot of crazy stuff happening in our post-pandemic world: war, inflation, political unrest, and social tensions, and there is no shortage of conspiracy theories and conflicting warnings of impending doom and gloom.   Even so, as a Christian, I believe there is still great hope.  This moment in history certainly hasn't taken God by surprise.  It is all part of the bigger story of God's promise and plan to unite all things in Jesus Christ.  Yet, how my fellow Christians react to these things in so many different and contradictory ways often makes our times even more confusing.  Instead of a united force of hope, the church seems just as divided as the world around us.  How can anyone discern the best response when so many voices, divisions, and opposing opinions are being touted around as gospel truth?   What is the heart of Christ and his will for his people in these d...